Inebriated Winds

The idea behind Inebriated WInds is to take us all back to the glory days of Black Metal, in particular the tape trading days, where the production was an afterthought. The music was Raw, Harsh, and Unfiltered.

Pops, Crackles, Sound Drops, Squeals, and Feedback ringing throughout passages of particular tracks can all be heard throughout Inebriated Winds.

There’s no precedence necessarily set with timing, and the recording is done with whatever is laying around.

What you will hopefully get from this project is Honest and Pure Raw Harsh Black Metal Chaos done with an Authentic Australian tweak. Forged on the shoulders of Consumption, Torture, and a Burning Hatred for the Modern Day Weak Conformist Mentality.

Pure Adulation for the True Black Metal Flame:

Let the Fires Burn, Let the Liquor Pour, Smash the Weak, Support the True Way, Fuck the Rest!